Lets Aim For A World Free From Lightning Related Losses
Over 30 years of experience condensed into 1 day.
This is the most eye-opening experience that covers earthing and lightning protection in the world.
Build with lightning in mind to help meet your standards of care.
A set of 4 half day seminars are on offer to address lightning
protection at design phase. Each level offers CPD points and we
recommend that you try and attend all 4 levels to gain the most out of
the information available on this subject.
The course will guide you through the requirements and address the
practical implemention of the codes of practice.
Arhitects have a proffessional responsibilty to ensure that the
customers work is perfomed to standards with the utmost care.
Clients need to ensure that safety and wearther reslience is addressed
in design phase. When you consider all the factors involved in desiging
to meet the highest stardards does it not make sense to include
lightning protection in this persuit.
The hazards of lightning or often overlooked.
Ligthtning is responsible for millions in homeowners insurance claims
annually. The costs of non residential lightning incidents are much
higher including surge, structural and fire losses. A single lightning
strike can carry millions of volts of energy compared to the electrical
current of 240 volts that the equipment is built for.
These claims can be eleiminated by installing compliance systems.
Build to protect and reduce risk of damage due to lightning damage.
The codes of practice set guidelines and standard to address this
By addressing this at initial stages offers a level of quality
superiority and value assurance.
Lightning protection systems has become increasingly important as
businesses and planners continue to emphasize sustainable apoproaches to
desgn and construction. In a era where technology delivery methods and
construction science are velovinbg at such a fast pace. specifying the
lightning protection system is part of a best practice risk management
Reasons to consider and LPS system at design phase
In an increasingly electronic reliant society vulnerablity to this
manageble risk must be ensured.
Affordability PRicing for and LPS system runs less than 1% of the value
of a strucure.
Insurance industry trends are recognising the cost reduction afforded by
compliate LPS installed.
The OSHA risk management measures for public venures must take LPS into
The tolerable risk identified by the risk assessment draws the line of
what is advised.
Structure reslience to this protential catastrophic random event should
be addressed at design phases
Surge protection as part of the LPS system is recommended for
increasingly technology advantage structures.
Find out how the inclusion of safety standards and compliant lightning
protection systems in you state of the art designs can benefit the
building environment
Architects responsible for final design approval, designers and draughtsmen.
Attend this dynamic seminar by Mike Visser who has been training in this subject field for over 25 years. Be educated, entertained, and informed, up-skill your understanding of the fundamentals of this critical safety subject to improve the offering you can give your client in our hi tech electronics dependent world